Retainer NPCs
Revna (Female Half-Elf, level 10)
Pronouns she/her
AC 20
HP 38
HD 10d6
Melee nine lives stealer sword 1d8+2 (1/9 souls stolen)
Missile long bow +2 (1d6+2) with 10 arrows +1
Hit Bonus [+7]
Movement Rate 60' (20')
STR 10 INT 11 WIS 9 (+1 temp) DEX 11 CON 11 CHA 13
Saves D6 W7 P8 B8 S8
Alignment lawful
Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)
Spells level 1 (3/3): floating disc, light (darkness), hold portal
level 2 (2/2): knock, mirror image
level 3 (1/2): dispel magic, protection from normal missiles
level 4 (1/1): charm monster
Items platemail +2 (AC 18), shield +2 (AC+2), nine lives stealer sword 1d8+2 (1/9 souls stolen), long bow +2 (1d6+2) with 10 arrows +1, level 6 spell scroll (deathlessness) USED, level 4 spell scroll (feeblemind) USED, level 5 spell scroll (cloudkill) USED, spellbook, amulet with raise the dead spell (auto-regen), elixir 1 USED, wand of cold, elixir 2, backpack
Heroic relic bloodstone
Items stored in cabin emerald longsword (1d10+2), two handed sword (1d10+1), shield (AC +1), potion of diminution, rope of climbing, level 3 spell scroll (dispel magic)
Torbjørn (Male Elf, level 10 (+1 temp)
Pronouns he/him
AC 23 melee/24 missile (includes bonesteel AC+4)
HP 44
HD 9d6
Melee wounding sword 1d8+1, sapphire longsword (1d10+3)
Missile javelin of lightning, holy water vials 1d8+2 (1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+7 (temp +2)]
Movement Rate 60' (20')
STR 12 INT 15 WIS 12 (+1 temp) DEX 10 CON 14 CHA 10
Saves D6 W7 P8 B8 S8
Alignment lawful
Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)
Spells level 1 (3/3): read languages, magic missile, ventriloquism
level 2 (2/3): continual light (continual darkness), phantasmal force, web
level 3 (0/3): haste, lightning bolt, hold person
level 4 (3/3 temp): dimension door, polymorph others
level 5 (2/2 temp): wall of stone
Items helm of teleportation, platemail +1 (AC 17), emerald tower shield AC +2 melee/+3 missile, wounding sword 1d8+1, sapphire longsword 1d10+3, holy water vials 1d8+2 (1d8 usage die), javelin of lightning, level 4 spell scroll (remove curse), spellbook, amulet with raise the dead spell (auto-regen), elixir USED, backpack
Heroic relic hook chain
Items stored in cabin sword +1 (1d8+1), chainmail +1 (AC 15), shield (AC +1), long bow +1 (1d8 usage die arrows), level 5 spell scroll (conjure elemental)
📜✨ Quest spell cast by Sofi (8/19/23)
Spell cast at Revna and Torbjørn's wedding while presenting gifts to the bride and groom
Torbjørn must name his and Revna's first child "Sofi"
📜✨ Dream Quest spell cast by Guadium (4/5/23)
Recurring dreams of marrying Revna and being legally bound to her
Deep feelings rooted within past wars fought together and sustained losses of honorable friends who died protecting them
Spell ended 8/19/23 after marrying Revna at the Sacred Grove
Talus (Female Magic User, level 7)
Pronouns she/her
AC 13 (reinforced robes +1)
HP 39
HD 7d6
Melee 2 x silver daggers (1d4, melee, missile)
Missile blunderbuss (1d6 or club 1d4, loud, spread, 1d8 usage die pellet rounds)
Hit Bonus [+2]
Movement Rate 90' (30')
STR 12 INT 15 WIS 11 DEX 10 CON 14 CHA 10
Saves D11 W12 P11 B14 S12
Alignment neutral
Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)
Spells level 1: magic missile, light, read languages
level 2: levitate, web
level 3: infravision, protection from evil 10' radius
level 4: wizard eye
Items reinforced robes +1 (AC 13), spellbook, 2 x silver daggers, blunderbuss, level 3 spell scroll (fire ball)
Heroic relic wizard lens
Erdrick (Male Mage, level 5)
🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 2/24/23
Pronouns he/him
AC 15 (reinforced robes +1 + mage armour trait)
HP 28
🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 2/24/23
Pronouns he/him
AC 15 (reinforced robes +1 + mage armour trait)
HP 28
HD 5d6
Melee sword (1d8)
Missile silver javelin (1d4, piercing, reusable), javelin of seeking (1d4+6)
Hit Bonus [0]
Movement Rate 90' (30')
STR 6 INT 17 WIS 14 DEX 8 CON 17 CHA 12
Saves D12 W13 P12 B15 S14
Alignment lawful
Magic type arcane (uses spell scrolls, doesn't carry a spellbook)
Items reinforced robes +1 (AC 13), sword, silver javelin, javelin of seeking, staff of healing, level 3 spell scroll (lightning bolt), level 1 spell scroll (magic missile)
Heroic relic life pendant
Sigrid (Female Half-Orc, level 8)
Pronouns she/her
AC 17 (chainmail + shield + 2 DEX mod)
HP 36
HD 8d6
Melee two-handed sword (1d10, slow, two-handed)
Missile oil flask, burning (1d8, splash damage, 1d10 usage die), pistol (1d8, loud, reload, misfire, 1d10 usage die bullets), crossbow (1d6, slow, 2-handed, 1d8 usage die bolts)
Hit Bonus [+2]
Movement Rate 120' (40')
STR 16 INT 11 WIS 16 DEX 17 CON 9 CHA 16
Saves D12 W13 P11 B14 S13
Alignment chaotic
Items chainmail (AC 14), shield, two-handed sword, oil flasks, pistol, crossbow, potion of clairvoyance
Heroic relic hook chain
Items stored in tent amethyst sword +2 (0/3 strikes), sword +1 giant slaying, garlic, 1d4 usage die of cured meats, javelin of seeking (1d4+6), rope
Tora (Female Halfling, level 8)
Pronouns she/her
AC 13 (lightweight leather armor + shield)
HP 45
HD 8d6
Melee sword (1d8)
Missile short bow (1d6, 1d8 usage die), javelin of seeking (1d4+6)
Hit Bonus [+5]
Movement Rate 120' (40')
STR 9 INT 11 WIS 9 DEX 11 CON 13 CHA 10
Saves D4 W5 P6 B7 S8
Alignment neutral
Items lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), sword, venomous dagger, short bow, javelin of seeking, rod of cancellation
Heroic relic smoke bombs
Mia (Non-Binary Druid, level 10)
Pronouns they/them
AC 14 (reinforced robes + shield + ring)
HP 47
HD 9d6+1
Melee spear +1 (1d6+1, melee, missile)
Missile short bow (1d6, 1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+5]
Movement Rate 90' (30')
STR 9 INT 12 WIS 10 DEX 11 CON 15 CHA 9
Saves D6 W7 P9 B11 S9
Alignment neutral
Magic type divine (prays to deity for spells, uses spell scrolls)
Spells level 1: detect danger, entangle, invisibility to animals
level 2: cure light wounds, heat metal, obscuring mist, create water
level 3: call lightning, tree shape, hold animal
level 4: temperature control, summon animals, prot. from fire and lightning
level 5: wall of thorns, commune with nature, protection from plants and animals
Items sacred mistletoe of an oak tree, reinforced robes (AC 12), shield (AC +1), ring of protection (AC +1), spear +1, short bow, level 2 spell scroll (heat metal), level 3 spell scroll (growth of nature)
Heroic relic elven cloak
Svend (Male Fighter, level 7)
🗿 Turned to stone by a cockatrice attacking The Sanctuary as of 7/11/23
🗿 Turned to stone by a cockatrice attacking The Sanctuary as of 7/11/23
Pronouns he/him
AC 14 (lightweight leather armor + shield + 1 DEX mod)
HP 39
HD 7d8
Melee sword +1, sharpness (1d8, chance to remove limbs)
Missile silver throwing stars (1d4, 1d12 usage die), short bow +1 (1d6+1)
Hit Bonus [+5]
Movement Rate 120' (40')
STR 13 INT 13 WIS 9 DEX 15 CON 9 CHA 11
Saves D8 W9 P10 B10 S12
Alignment lawful
Items lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), sword +1 sharpness, silver throwing stars, short bow, periapt of proof against poison, elixir
Heroic relic medical kit
Ulf (Male Dwarf, level 6)
🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 4/5/23
Pronouns he/him
AC 13 (leather armor + shield)
HP 31
HD 6d8
Melee hand axe +1 (1d6+1, melee, missile)
Missile crossbow (1d6, slow, two-handed, 1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+2]
Movement Rate 90' (30')
STR 13 INT 12 WIS 12 DEX 9 CON 10 CHA 13
Saves D6 W7 P8 B10 S10
Alignment neutral
Items leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), hand axe +1, crossbow, javelin of seeking, potion of invulnerability, periapt of proof against poison
Heroic relics wizard lens, gravity stone (legendary relic, grants double jump)
Skall (Non-Binary Drow, level 5)
🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 2/24/23; stone toe chiseled off by Sofi 8/19/23
Pronouns they/them
AC 13 (lightweight leather armor + shield)
HP 25
HD 5d6
Melee battle axe (1d8, slow, two-handed)
Missile holy water vials (1d8, splash damage, 1d6 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+2]
Movement Rate 120' (40')
STR 9 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 12 CON 11 CHA 12
Saves D10 W11 P11 B13 S10
Alignment chaotic
Magic type divine (prays to deity for spells, uses spell scrolls)
Spells level 1: light, detect evil
level 2: find traps
level 3: locate object
Items amulet of Eilistraee ("The Dark Maiden"), lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), battle axe, holy water vials, staff of swarming insects, level 3 spell scroll (growth of animal), candle of invocation
Heroic relic blessed lighter